by Jon Sailer
United States–I’ve been doing some digging while writing a book recently. The research I’m conducting (at least one part of it), has to do with finding some location-based Bigfoot sightings. In tracking this information down, I found some of the most recent Bigfoot sightings cataloged on the web.
Check out this list of Bigfoot sightings from around the United States since the start of 2023!
NAWAC and BFRO Reports Databases
According to the North American Wood Ape Conservancy, there have been multiple sightings across the country since early 2023. Here are the ones listed on their database coupled with the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization online reports:
2023 Bigfoot Sightings
Cleveland, Oklahoma: A married couple spotted a Bigfoot at the back of their property and roughly 100 yards away. It ran away but left a strong scent.
Austin County, Texas: A woman spotted Bigfoot “jumping” and running into the woods as she entered her driveway. The beast was tall and shaped like a “man/ape.”
Benzie County, Michigan: Spouses spotted a tall and thin figure with “long swinging arms” walking while on a deserted highway. The creature disappeared.
Medina County, Texas: Witness saw a 7-foot-tall humanoid run across the road. Upon further investigation, the witness also found two 18-inch footprints around the area of the sighting.
2024 Bigfoot Sightings
Texas: A married couple spotted a Bigfoot 150 yards off from their location “moving from left to right.” Eventually, the cryptid spotted the couple and walked away.
Calveras County, California: Bigfoot sighted outside of Avery in the backyard of a cabin. The witness saw the creature “running away.” It was reportedly “huge.”
Clay County, Florida: A camper saw prints in the Hammock Campground after hearing a bipedal creature walking by their car somewhere between 4-5 am.
Buchanan County, Virginia: A driver spotted what he thought was a “bear or a feral cow beside the road …” The creature had a human face and was roughly 500-600 pounds.
If you found this interesting, check out more articles from News from the Grassy Knoll!
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